My Review of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
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I have used this magic DIY clay mask for years now but have only recently seen it making the rounds on social media. Aside from being a bit messy to clean up, I literally have zero complaints about this mask. It is an ideal product match for oily and combination skin!
Unlike many face masks on the market currently, Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay is comprised of only one ingredient; Calcium Bentonite Green Clay. Calcium Bentonite has actually been used religiously by various civilizations throughout history for health benefits and overall skin clarity.
The simple directions printed on the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay jar explain that the powdered green clay can be mixed with an equal part of either water or apple cider vinegar. I personally opt for apple cider vinegar due to the healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Apple cider vinegar is also an outstanding tool to combat oily complexions, the vinegar works to simultaneously unclog pores and abolish dead skin cells.
I use this mask once a week to promote a glowing appearance . I definitely can see a significant difference in the size of my pores and the texture of my skin with consistent applications.
I purchased my most recent container from Marshalls for $5.99. The mask has lasted a few months already with hardly a dent in the jar. It is slightly cheaper to buy this product in store at various major retailers such as Marshalls, Target and Walgreens.
The powdered clay is also available online. Purchase Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay from Amazon here.