My Top 5 Hacks for Immediate Complexion Improvement
Obviously, many factors contribute to healthy glowing skin, but I have compiled my 5 favorite tips for immediate improvement below. These suggestions are easy to implement and you don’t have to spend a dime!
1). One tip I absolutely swear by in my daily routine is using a clean washcloth. Used washcloths can be a breeding ground for bacteria that may lead to breakouts and changing your washcloth daily can make a huge impact on your skin’s clarity. (I’ll admit, I am a little obsessive about using a new washcloth every single time I wash by face!)
2). Another best practice is making sure to switch out pillowcases frequently. Dead skin cells as well as oils from your hair and face transfer over to the pillowcase fabric while you sleep. To minimize stubborn breakouts, I change mine weekly.
3). Refrain from touching your face. Once you get into this habit- it’s easy! Think about all of the objects that you handle in a day; money, doorknobs & even your wallet are all potential havens for bacteria. It is important to remember that your hands carry bacteria too so avoid any kind of contact with your face at all costs.
4). Clean your phone! Use an alcohol infused microfiber cloth or cotton ball to wipe down your cell multiple times a day. Whenever you cradle your bacteria infested phone to your ear, germs are being transferred directly to your face.
5). Last but not least, drink as much water as possible. Try subbing out water for pop and other sugary beverages. I make an effort to carry a water bottle with me from morning until night to promote constant water sipping throughout the day. This is a sure fire way to help flush toxins from your body, encourage healthy hydrated skin & minimize wrinkles.