The Major Dating Profile Mistakes Men are Constantly Making
Since we are currently quarantined and you may want to revamp your dating profile as summer is rapidly approaching, I am going to break down the major mistakes guys make when it comes to meeting women online.
I went undercover on Tinder for one day to expose everything men are doing wrong when it comes to the presentation of their profiles. I also spoke with women using dating profiles currently to effectively break down the biggest turn-offs in the cyber dating world.
Boys, I'm here to help!
So please, send this article to your friends, co-workers, fraternity brothers - whoever needs this information the most. The point is, get the word out there- these mistakes must cease ASAP for the good of all mankind!
First and foremost, you MUST refrain from posting group pictures. There is nothing worse than attempting to scan a photo with 20 guys who all look virtually the same. I don't know you from Adam right now and if I have to put in more than 5 seconds of Where's Waldo-type effort, I'm swiping left immediately.
If you absolutely have to post a group pic, it is necessary that the photo comes last in the sequence.
It is even more important that you do not (under any circumstances) include pictures of you and your much cuter friends. I can't even describe the disappointment of seeing a group of hotties set as the viewable first picture, only to swipe a few more times and find out the truth; the grenade of the group is hoping you mistake him for someone else in the squad of lady killers.
Big Yikes.
I also find it very strange to include pictures with women. You know what I mean, the pic where you have your arm draped around a beautiful girl in an attempt to convince us all you have serious game. If you're on a dating website to begin with, you're trying to meet women. So obviously, you're not doing yourself any favors by posting chick pics and this is actually extremely counterproductive. If you do have a picture on your profile with your sister, cousin, etc., I would definitely specify the relationship in your description.
Guys, this also does not mean it's acceptable to sloppily crop your ex out so you can still post the picture. If I can see her arm or hair, that's equally as tacky!
Gross dead animal pictures really aren't necessary either. That's fine if you hunt, but save that detail for the written portion of your profile or post your adventures on Instagram. Most women are not going to be turned on by a dead deer and that's a fact. Many ladies mentioned this as a turn-off specifically.
Avoid shirtless mirror pictures at all costs too, I honestly don't think there is anything more lame. If you do actually have washboard abs (and most of you do not), I would much rather see a candid photo of you on the beach, at the pool or on a hike. But for the love of God, stop with the mirror pics.
Extremely long bios (filled with bad grammar and clingy innuendos), referencing money in any way ("I'm just out here getting my biggie bag" - yes, I really saw that) or pictures of just a car (usually it's not even a cool car) are all unfortunately way too common.
Take it from me guys and avoid these dating blunders. Meeting women online can be tricky as it is, don't make it harder for yourself! Follow my recommendations and I guarantee you'll have a much better chance matching with hotties.
Happy swiping!